Focus on entrepreneurial mindset
You only lose what you cling to..Business mentor
You only lose what you cling to..
Maybe you recognize it, holding on tightly to something because you are afraid to lose?
It happens to many people, it happened to me too.
My thoughts were cloudy, clear thinking took a lot of energy and often I made the wrong decision. One thing had an effect on the other.
At one point I was sort of beaten into oblivion. This made it possible for me to let go of the past…a relief.
A kind of resignation came over me, and strangely enough that cleared the way for clear thinking. This was the starting shot to be able to move on again, I realize now.
How crazy it may sound, but it is true. When you let go you only lose what you were holding on to.
But….you win a new world full of possibilities…
Be Unstoppable
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You only lose what you cling to
Maybe you recognize it, holding on tightly to something because you are afraid to lose?
It happens to many people, it happened to me too.
My thoughts were cloudy, clear thinking took a lot of energy and often I made the wrong decision. One thing had an effect on the other.
At one point I was sort of beaten into oblivion. This made it possible for me to let go of the past…a relief.
A kind of resignation came over me, and strangely enough that cleared the way for clear thinking. This was the starting shot to be able to move on again, I realize now.
How crazy it may sound, but it is true. When you let go you only lose what you were holding on to.
But….you win a new world full of possibilities…
Clinging to something may be the worst thing you can do for yourself
Clinging to something—whether it’s a person, a possession, or an idea—can be the worst thing you can do for yourself. When you cling to something, you become attached to it, and when you become attached to something, you fear losing it. Fear is a powerful emotion that can cloud your judgment and lead you to make decisions that you wouldn’t otherwise make.
When you’re attached to something, you’re also more likely to hold on to it even when it’s no longer serving you. You may continue to cling to a relationship that’s toxic, or hang onto a job that’s making you miserable. clinging onto something can prevent you from moving forward and achieving your goals.
It’s important to remember that nothing is permanent. Everything is always in flux, and the only thing that we can truly control is our own actions and reactions. If you find yourself clinging to something, ask yourself why. What are you afraid of? What would happen if you let go? Chances are, you’ll find that the thing you’re clinging to isn’t worth your fear or your time.
Have a clear goal in mind and direct your energy towards it
When it comes to manifesting your desires, having a clear goal in mind is essential. Without a specific goal, it can be difficult to focus your energy and attention on what you want to achieve.
Take some time to sit down and really think about what it is that you want. Once you have a clear goal in mind, direct your energy towards it. Visualize yourself achieving your goal and feel the emotions that come with it. The more focused and intentional you are with your thoughts and feelings, the more likely you are to achieve your goal.
What is holding you back from letting go?
We all have something that we cling to. Whether it’s a physical object, a memory, or an emotion, there’s always something that we just can’t seem to let go of. And more often than not, this thing that we’re clinging to is what’s holding us back from moving on and living our lives to the fullest.
So what is it that you’re clinging to? What is it that’s preventing you from letting go and moving on? Take some time to think about it and then ask yourself if it’s really worth holding onto. Because in the end, you’ll only end up losing what you cling to.
Avoid clinging to things that don’t really matter to you and see your business change
One of the most difficult things to do in business is to let go of something that we’ve been clinging to. Whether it’s a product, a service, or even a way of doing things, clinging to something can often blind us to better options.
However, if we can learn to let go of the things that don’t really matter to us, we can open ourselves up to new and better possibilities. When we’re not clinging to anything, we’re free to explore new ideas and find new ways of doing things. This can lead to real breakthroughs in our businesses.
So if you’re feeling stuck in your business, ask yourself what you’re clinging to that might be holding you back. Then let it go and see what new possibilities emerge.
Let go of the things that are holding you and your business back
- It’s important to let go of the past and move forward. Don’t let yourself be bogged down by unnecessary baggage. Instead, focus on what’s important and let go of the rest.
- Visualize your future . It’s important to think about where you want to be and what you want to achieve. Visualize yourself in that place, doing the things you’ve always dreamed of doing. Think back to the person you were when you started your business and how far you’ve come in such a short amount of time.
- Take action! Now that you have a clear goal, start moving towards it. You don’t have to make drastic changes immediately, but take one small step each day towards making your vision a reality. The first thing on your list should probably be reading this book!
- Do more than is asked of you . If people ask for a 10-page report, deliver 20 pages. If they ask for a 30-minute talk, give a 60-minute speech. Make yourself stand out from the rest of your peers by doing more work and delivering better results.
- Find a mentor . Someone who you respect and who is an expert in his or her industry will be able to help guide you along the way. Look for someone who has already achieved the type of success you want for yourself and ask if you can pick their brain on occasion when it comes to business matters.
- Link up with other entrepreneurs . Reach out to people in your city who are starting their own businesses, or even people who are working on side hustles while they’re still employed full time. Who knows? Perhaps one day they’ll be able to help you in the same way.
- Network with people who’ve already been where you want to be . Attend conferences and other professional development events. You’ll meet people just like you who are interested in expanding their career horizons and can offer advice on how they did it.
- Keep an eye out for new trends . You should always be on the lookout for what’s next in your industry, be it market shifts or changes in technology that may affect how your business is run.
- Learn from those around you . The most successful people are never afraid of asking for help when they need it, even if it comes from someone younger than them or someone who has a position lower on the corporate ladder than they do.
- Make time for yourself . You may feel guilty about it (and maybe you should), but a little R&R is just as important as the rest of your responsibilities.
Let go and Be Unstoppable
If you want to be unstoppable, you have to be willing to let go. That doesn’t mean giving up on your dreams or goals, it means letting go of anything that’s holding you back. Whether it’s a toxic relationship, a dead-end job, or negative thinking, if you want to move forward in life, you have to be willing to let go of what’s weighing you down.
It can be scary to let go of something familiar, even if it isn’t good for us. But remember, clinging to something that isn’t serving us is only going to hold us back from reaching our full potential. So let go, and be unstoppable!